KARACHI: The artwork of Noor Muhammad Qurashi, renowned artist and author, was displayed outside the Karachi Press Club and attracted a large number of art-lovers on the opening day of the exhibition on Monday.
Over 34 artifacts were displayed, including portraits, abstract portraits, watercolor paintings, beautifully designed and carved patterns on canvas, art paper, and others.
The artist, explaining his work said that he preferred to display his art on the footpath because it is common ground for all; unlike museums where only few people can see and appreciate his art. “I want heterogeneous people from all-age groups to see my art and be aware of woman-related issues”, he said.
The paintings portray and depict the existing issues of woman including honor killings, child and forced marriage, maltreatment, inequality and discrimination, as well as various problems and challenges facing woman on the domestic level as well as in society.
He also read a few lines from his poem, “Band Quaar Khol Nai Sadi Hai, Bahar aa kar Bol” (roughly translating to; ‘open the door, come out and talk – it’s a new century.) “On women’s day, I want to convey the message that women should come out and make their space in society”, he said.
A human rights activist, Alia Sarim, appreciated Qurashi’s work, believing that holding such an exhibition and display would encourage women to make their space in society. Few books of the writer were also displayed including 8th March; poetry anthology on International Women’s Day, 8th October; a collection of poetry on the earthquake, and Kachoke; a composition fiction writings.
The General Secretary of the Karachi Press Club, Maqsood Yousifi senior journalist Saeed Sabszwari, and others were also present on the occasion.