LAHORE: Young Doctors’ Association (YDA) continues its protests against government’s Central Induction Policy, threatening to shutdown indoor medical services in hospitals.
Young Pakistani doctors, in their recent move, are seemingly growing insensitive towards the famous doctor’s oath. Primum non nocere (do no harm), is an ancient Latin phrase, which remains the core of medical field worldwide.Young doctors have stormed the streets of Lahore while patients in hospitals suffer due to their absence. Out Patient Departments (OPD) of Jinnah Hospital, Children Hospital, Ganga Ram Hospital and Lady Wilmington Hospital have been shut down until the demands of YDA are fulfilled.
Young doctors have stormed the streets of Lahore while patients in hospitals suffer due to their absence. Out Patient Departments (OPD) of Jinnah Hospital, Children Hospital, Ganga Ram Hospital and Lady Wilmington Hospital have been shut down until the demands of YDA are fulfilled.These strikes have resulted in long lines of patients, including a hefty ratio of women and children, gathered outside of hospitals.
These strikes have resulted in long lines of patients, including a hefty ratio of women and children, gathered outside of hospitals. Deprived of the medical treatment, patients were seen in distress.
Government’s Central Induction Policy aims to define merit base criteria for recruitment of medical practitioners. One of the major factors behind this development was that deserving candidates were being ignored and a mafia was accommodating ‘blue-eyed’ applicants by pressurizing heads of institutes.Provision of medical facilities comes under the spectrum of “Essential Services Act” also known as “Maintenance Act”. Under this Act government’s healthcare employees are bound to perform their duties regardless of being paid or unpaid. Doctors’ protest in Lahore comes in contrast with State’s official protocol and with ethical guidelines of
Provision of medical facilities comes under the spectrum of “Essential Services Act” also known as “Maintenance Act”. Under this Act government’s healthcare employees are bound to perform their duties regardless of being paid or unpaid. Doctors’ protest in Lahore comes in contrast with State’s official protocol and with ethical guidelines of healthcare profession.