ISLAMABAD: Serena Hotels collaborated with the Karim Khan Afridi Welfare Foundation (KKAWF) to sponsor ‘Save Tomorrow II – Time to Remember, Time to Act’ – a football match to raise awareness against drug abuse.
The Foundation is a non-profit organization working primarily to raise drug awareness among teenagers. The event was sponsored under Serena Hotel’s Sports Diplomacy Initiative. Commemorating the ‘International Overdose Awareness Day’, the matches between two professional teams of 18+ boys, Islamabad Football Association vs. Rawalpindi Football Association, and two professional teams of 18+ girls, Young Rising Stars vs. Islamabad Girls, were held at the Jinnah National Stadium, Pakistan Sports Board. Cristina von Sperling Afridi, Founder/Chairperson of KKAWF, said, “International Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held on August 31st each year to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of a legal and illegal drug-related death. It also acknowledges the grief felt by families and friends by remembering those who have met with death or permanent injury as a result of drug overdose. Save Tomorrow II provided an opportunity for people to publicly mourn for loved ones through lighting candles in remembrance.” Serena Hotels engages in various activities to support the children and youth of Pakistan. With 25 million children (aged 5-16 years) out of school in Pakistan, lack of infrastructure and teaching staff along with poor teaching standards in public schools, the cause of education is pivotally important for every household and every community in Pakistan. There is also a rising concern as substance abuse is becoming common across the country. Mr. Aziz Boolani, CEO of Serena Hotels, said, “This is a country of young people, many of whom live without opportunities and we must provide our youth with the knowledge, skills and opportunities for them to excel in life. Organizations, like Serena Hotels, are strategically placed and have the capacity to support and promote causes which encourage healthy lifestyles.” He added, “Last year, Serena Hotels hosted the first high altitude marathon in Hunza as a part of Serena Hotels’ campaign against substance abuse.
Published in Daily Times, August 27th 2017.