LAHORE: Lahore Waste Management Company (LWMC) Managing Director has issued directives to contractor companies to ensure lifting and emptying of waste containers in connection with the preparations of Eid Miladun Nabi (PBUH). All senior managers, assistants and zonal officers under the supervision of LWMC Deputy General Manager Operations Asif Iqbal have been directed to remain in close coordination with officials of district departments for necessary support and implementation of devised plan until the end of activities planned to mark the occasion, particularly in Walled City area, Nishter Town, Shahdra Town and other sensitive areas.
According to a spokesman for the LWMC, teams comprising sanitary workers, supervisors along with necessary machinery and waste bags will be deputed on routes for timely picking of waste and provision of support to Milad administration for maintenance of sanitation conditions. Mechanical sweeping and washing of major routes and places has already been made for the occasion. A special zero waste operation will also be conducted across the city at the end of the activities held related to Eid Miladun Nabi (PBUH).