ISLAMABAD: In pursuance of export control on goods, technology and equipment related to nuclear and biological weapons and their delivery systems Act 2004, the government has notified a revised list.
The act enables the government to control export, re-export, trans-shipment and transit of goods, technologies, material and equipment related to nuclear and biological weapons and their delivery systems.
As a part of regular review process, the Strategic Export Control Division (SECDIV) of the Foreign Affairs Ministry has revised/updated the control lists, in consultation with other relevant ministries and departments.
The revised lists have been notified vide Gazette of Pakistan SRO 1142(I)/2016 dated November 18, 2016. The lists were originally notified in 2005 and subsequently revised in 2011 and 2015.
The notification signifies the continuing resolve and policy of Pakistan as a responsible nuclear state to advance the shared goals of non-proliferation and strictly adhere to its commitments.