ISLAMABAD: The Interior Ministry on Wednesday said that the issue of Dawn Leaks has been settled as it issued a revised notification in the matter. “Since action on orders of the Prime Minister has already been completed by the respective Ministries and Divisions, the issue of Dawn Leaks stands settled,” it said. The prime minister was pleased to approve the ‘unanimous recommendations’ of the Dawn Leaks Inquiry Committee vide Orders No. 1707/M/SPM/2017 dated 29th April 2017, the new notification reads. “There is a need to develop a Code of Conduct for the Print Media especially when dealing with issues relating to Security of Pakistan. The Committee recommends that the role of Daily Dawn/Mr Zafar Abbas/Mr Cyril Almeida, in the instant case, may be referred to the All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) with a direction to take disciplinary action against Daily Dawn/Zafar Abbas/Cyril Almeida, besides developing a Code of Conduct for publishing stories on issues of national importance/security by abiding to the basic journalistic/editorial norms,” it said.
“Due to reasons referred in previous sections, the action already taken by the federal government against Senator Pervez Rashid is endorsed,” it further said.
“The committee unanimously agreed that Rao Tehsin Ali had not displayed the required level of professionalism and has shown carelessness while dealing with the issue that the committee recommends that, he being a civil servant, may be proceeded against under the Efficiency & Discipline (E&D) Rules 1973,” it maintained. “Due to reasons referred in previous sections, the Committee recommends removal of Mr Tariq Fatemi from his current portfolio,” it said. “Since actions and orders of the prime minister have already been completed by the respective ministries and divisions, the issue of Dawn Leaks stands settled,” it concluded.