LAHORE: An overwhelming increase in reports of sexual harassment cases in Lahore was seen during the past three months, an FIA report said on Friday.
According to a Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Cybercrime Wing report, 2,753 complaints of cybercrimes, including 257 sexual harassment and blackmailing cases, were received during the first three months of 2018.
Deputy Director FIA Cybercrime Wing Lahore Khalid Anees said that the agency receives dozens of complaints everyday, however due to shortage of staff, the cybercrime wing is facing problems.
It was further mentioned that the FIA immediately acted upon the complaints and filed cases against 302 suspects, while 65 were arrested.
During investigations, it was revealed that there were cases of data-theft and blackmailing by mobile phone and laptop repairers, while in another case, a DIG leaked images and videos of his wife for the purpose of second marriage.