ISLAMABAD: Law and Justice Minister Zahid Hamid on Friday informed the Senate that there was no proposal under consideration to increase allocations for Waseela-e-Haq and Waseela-e-Rozgar schemes under the Benazir Income Support Programme.
He said it was decided at a board meeting during 2013 to stop both the schemes as lot of discrepancies were unearthed in these schemes. “These schemes were actually meant for the poor but were not properly utilized.”
Answering questions on behalf of the finance minister, he also informed the House that the cases of 15 non-governmental organizations were under process for registration. “The Economic Affairs Division is processing these cases while the documents of 15 local NGOs receiving foreign contributions have been circulated among stakeholders for seeking views,” he said.
He also explained the House that the Economic Affairs Division has limited mandate as it registers only NGOs receiving foreign contributions under policy for regulation of organizations receiving foreign contributions.
When asked about regulating the NGOs working in the country, the minister said EAD only deals with the Pakistani NGOs that receive foreign funding.